viernes, 24 de abril de 2020

Nuestro libro recién publicado por Springer Nature

Hace pocos días que la editorial Springer Nature ha publicado un libro titulado Reproduction in Aquatic Animals. From Basic Biology to Aquaculture Technology, que he tenido ocasión de co-editar con nuestro colega Manabu Yoshida, de la Universidad de Tokyo (Japón).
La idea de escribir este libro surgió en el International Symposium “AQUAGAMETE: Reproduction of Aquatic Animals” que se incluyó en el 22nd International Congress of Zoology and the 87th meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan, que se celebró en Okinawa (Japón) en 2016.
A continuación incluyo la referencia completa, el resumen del libro y los resúmenes de los dos capítulos que Luz Pérez y yo mismo hemos escrito.
Gracias a todos los colegas que han participado en la redacción del contenido del libro.

Libro: Reproduction in Aquatic Animals. From Basic Biology to Aquaculture Technology
Editores: M. Yoshida (University of Tokyo), J.F. Asturiano (UPV).
Editorial: Springer Nature
2020. 379 páginas    
ISBN: 978-9811522895; ISBN 978-981-15-2290-1 (eBook)
doi: 10.1007/978-981-15-2290-1

Even though there are many animals in terrestrial habitats, there is great biodiversity to be found in aquatic ecosystems. Furthermore, aquatic animals show various reproductive systems: many animals perform external fertilization, others show internal fertilization without mating, some are viviparous, etc. This means that the reproduction systems of aquatic animals are highly diverse, and they are excellent models for studying adaptive evolution and species-specificity of fertilization. In addition, many aquatic animals such as fish, crustaceans, and mollusks are important as fishery and aquaculture resources. Nevertheless, their reproductive systems are also diverse, resulting in difficulties in cultivation, especially in the production of juveniles. Thus, comprehensive knowledge of the reproductive systems of various aquatic animals will help us understand the systems of each animal, resulting in breakthroughs in the research areas and aquaculture technologies. However, only a few books overviewed the reproductive systems of aquatic animals from invertebrates to fishes since many researchers focused their animals of interest. Therefore, our aim with this book was to overview the various reproductive systems of aquatic animals.

The idea for this book was initially conceived in the International Symposium on “AQUAGAMETE: Reproduction of Aquatic Animals” held in the Joint Meeting of the 22nd International Congress of Zoology and the 87th meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan, which was held from 14th to 19th November 2016 in Okinawa, Japan. Three years have passed since the initial planning, and we have developed the book ideation. In order to introduce up-to-date knowledge on the reproduction systems of various aquatic animals from basic biology to aquaculture technology, we invited up-and-coming researchers to contribute. This book consists of 17 chapters and a foreword that details the history of spermatology to be read before the main chapters. Finally, the book covers the reproductive systems of both sperm and egg in cnidarians, annelids, arthropods, mollusks, echinoderms, ascidians, elasmobranchs, teleosts, and amphibians. Four chapters focus on the technological and aquaculture aspects, in particular relating to fishes.

This book is designed for people who are neither experts/well-read/knowledge-able in the field of reproductive biology nor aquaculture. The assumed readers are graduate students and postgraduates in biology and agricultural sciences and also non-academics who are interested in the field.

Capítulo 4. Fish sperm maturation, capacitation, and motility activation
L.M. Pérez (2020).
In: Reproduction in Aquatic Animals. From Basic Biology to Aquaculture Technology. M. Yoshida and J.F. Asturiano (eds.). Chapter 4, Pp: 47-67. ISBN: 978-981-15-2290-1.

Motility activation mechanism in fish sperm has been studied only in a few species, and there are many hypotheses about the mechanism for spermatozoa activation  that  need  further  confirmation.  This  review  summarizes  the  current  knowledge on sperm acquisition of capability to move, happening in the sperm duct (sperm capacitation), and the ionic fluxes related to motility activation, as well as their relation with the sperm membrane potential changes

Capítulo 14. Improvements on the reproductive control of the European eel
J.F. Asturiano (2020)
In: Reproduction in Aquatic Animals. From Basic Biology to Aquaculture Technology. M. Yoshida and J.F. Asturiano (eds.). Chapter 14, Pp: 293-320. ISBN: 978-981-15-2290-1.

A combination of several factors have produced an intense decline of the European eel populations until becoming an endangered species, but the European eel is a demanded species with high market values, and wild glass eels are still the base  of  the  eel  aquaculture.  Nowadays,  reproduction  in  captivity  seems  the  only  realistic alternative to reduce the pressure on natural populations and supply glass eels  to  eel  farms.  Altogether,  trying  to  get  its  reproduction  in  captivity  is  still  an  exciting   scientific   challenge   for   physiologists,   endocrinologists,   nutritionists,   embryologists,  etc.  This  chapter  tries  to  give  an  overview  of  the  recent  research  developed in some of the key areas related with the reproduction of this species, and the main improvements, conclusions and hypothesis emerging from that research, making an especial emphasis in those papers published from 2000.

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