viernes, 26 de abril de 2024

Abierto el plazo de preinscripción al Máster Universitario en Acuicultura 2024-25

El Máster Universitario en Acuicultura ofrece anualmente 20 plazas en la Universitat Politècnica de Valènica y otras 20 en la Universitat de Valencia. Actualmente, y hasta el 3 de mayo de 2024, es posible hacer la preinscripción. Más adelante, si quedan plazas, se abrirá un nuevo periodo de preinscripción, del 17 al 28 de junio de 2024. Por último, si aún quedan plazas, habrá unos últimos periodos de preinscripción del 29 julio al 2 de agosto, y del 26 de agosto al 6 de septiembre de 2024. 

Más información en las webs:

lunes, 22 de abril de 2024

Thales França defiende su Tesis Doctoral


El pasado 16 de abril Thales de Souza França defendió su Tesis Doctoral, titulada: Development and application of low-cost and environment-friendly techniques for fish sperm cryopreservation, que he podido codirigir con el Dr. Danilo Pedro Streit Jr.

Se trata de un Tesis en modalidad de cotutela entre la Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS, Brasil), y el Programa de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Producción Animal de la Universitat Politècnica de València, de forma que el doctorando ha obtenido el grado de doctor por ambas universidades.

La tesis se defendió en un acto on-line, y el tribunal estuvo presidido por la Dra. Paz Herráez, de la Universidad de León; la Dra. Estefanía Paredes, de la Universidad de Vigo actuó como secretaria, y el Dr. Daniel Zarski, de la Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn (Polonia) actuó como vocal. Muchas gracias a todos ellos, así como a los evaluadores externos y suplentes.

Tras la sesión, el tribunal decidió otorgarle a la Tesis la máxima calificación, Sobresaliente Cum laude, y obtuvo también la Mención de Doctorado Internacional. Enhorabuena Doctor!

domingo, 31 de marzo de 2024

Nuestro último artículo, publicado en Fish Physiology and Biochemistry

Characterization of potential spermatogonia biomarker genes in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla)

Marta Blanes-García, Zoran Marinović, Juan Germán Herranz-Jusdado, Xuan Xie, Leonor Ferrão, Victor Gallego, Luz Pérez, Abdul Rasheed Baloch, Ákos Horváth, Martin Pšenička, Juan F. Asturiano, Marina Morini


Identification of specific molecular markers for spermatogonial stem cells in teleost, is crucial for enhancing the efficacy of reproductive biotechnologies in aquaculture, such as transplantation and surrogate production in fishes. Since it is not yet possible to distinguish spermatogonial stem cells of European eel (Anguilla anguilla) using specific molecular markers, we isolated spermatogonial cells from immature European eels to find these potential markers. We attempted this by studying three candidate genes: vasa, nanos2 and dnd1. Two vasa (vasa1 and vasa2) genes, nanos2 and dnd1, were identified, characterized, and studied in muscle, testis and isolated spermatogonia. Our results showed that vasa1 and vasa2 had the highest levels of expression when measured by qPCR. In situ hybridization and immunochemistry assays showed that the four genes were localized explicitly in type A spermatogonia. However, vasa1 and vasa2 exhibited stronger signals in the immature testicular tissue than the other two potential markers. According to this, vasa1 and vasa2 were found to be the most effective markers for spermatogonial cells in European eel.

doi: 10.1007/s10695-024-01338-1

jueves, 1 de febrero de 2024

Nuestro último artículo, publicado en Fish Physiology and Biochemistry

Effect of seawater temperature and pH on the sperm motility of the European eel

Malbelys P. Sanchez, Thales S. França, Wendy A. González-López, Marina Morini, Juan F. Asturiano, Luz Pérez


The current climate change situation could bring critical effects for marine species, especially those already considered endangered. Although some species can adapt fast to the environmental changes, it is necessary to get into the worst scenario and develop tools to anticipatedly assess the physiological effects of such environmental change. With this purpose, our study aims to determine the effect of a range of seawater temperatures and pHs on sperm motility in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla). Low seawater pH (6.5-7.4) decreased the eel sperm motility in comparison to the control (pH= 8.2). We also studied the combined effect of the pH of the artificial seminal plasma (the plasma where the sperm cells are suspended) with the pH of Artificial Sea Water (ASW, pH 7.8 or and 8.2). We did not find statistical differences in sperm motility and kinetic parameters caused by the artificial seminal plasma pH. However, seawater pH induced significantly higher values of total sperm motility, and the percentage of fast spermatozoa with a pH of 8.2 in comparison with a pH of 7.8. In contrast, the seawater temperature did not affect sperm motility parameters or sperm longevity. To study the effect of the interaction between seawater temperature and pH on sperm motility, two temperatures: 4 and 24 ºC, and two pHs 7.8 and 8.2, were tested. There were significant differences between temperature and pH in several kinetic parameters and, in general, the lowest values were observed in the samples activated at low temperature and low pH (4 ºC, pH 7.8). This work suggest that eel sperm motility and kinetics will not be affected by the expected changes in pH or temperature due to the climate change.

Accesible aquí:

domingo, 28 de enero de 2024

Nuestro último artículo, publicado en Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A

Superoxidase dismutases (SODs) in the European eel: gene characterization, expression response to temperature combined with hormonal maturation and possible migratory implications

Leonor Ferrão, Marta Blanes-García, Luz Pérez, Juan F. Asturiano, Marina Morini


Superoxide dismutases (SODs) are antioxidant enzymes that protect cells from oxidation. Three SODs have been identified in mammals, but there is limited information in teleosts. This study investigates SODs in the European eel and their expression patterns during testis maturation. Phylogenetic and synteny analyses revealed SODs paralogs and their evolution in vertebrates. The eel possesses one SOD1 and two SOD2/3 (a and b), indicating SOD2 and SOD3 duplication in elopomorphs. SODs expression were then evaluated in various male and female tissues. SOD1 is more expressed in females, while SOD2a and SOD2b dominate brain-pituitary-gonad tissues in both sexes. SOD3a showed predominant expression in the ovary and the male livers, whereas SOD3b was found in the pituitary and brain of both sexes. The effects of different maturation protocols (standard hormonal treatment vs. same protocol preceded with cold seawater pre-treatment) on SODs expression during testis maturation were evaluated. Salinity increase at the onset of standard treatment at 20 °C, simulating early migration, upregulated SOD1, SOD2a, and SOD2b, coinciding with spermatogonia type A differentiated cells dominance. Thereafter, SOD2a and SOD3a decreased, while SOD2b increased during hormonal treatment-induced spermatogenesis. Pre-treatment with seawater at 10 °C, mimicking the conditions at the beginning of the seawater migration, downregulated SOD1 but increased SOD3a expression. Finally, the standard hormonal treatment, replicating spawning at higher temperatures, downregulated SOD1 in eels without any pre-treatment while SOD2a expression increased in pre-treated eels. This study revealed tissue-specific, sex-dependent, and maturation-related SOD expression patterns, predicting SODs dynamic expression profiles during their reproductive migration.

Available here: