X Iberian congress of Ichthyology (SIBIC
2024, Fishes for Future; Universidad de Vic - Universidad Central de Cataluña,
18-21 junio 2024)
Trends and evolution of the invasive fish species in different bodies of water (rivers, wetlands and dams) of the Comunitat Valenciana. M. Blanes-García, P. Risueño, J. Velázquez, J. Hernández, A. Pradillo, V. Gallego. Comunicación oral
The recovery of freshwater blenny (Salaria fluviatillis) population in the Albufera lagoon (Valencia). M. Blanes-García, P. Risueño, J. Velázquez, J. Hernández, A. Pradillo, V. Gallego. Póster
Gamete cryopreservation in elasmobranchs using biodegradable capsules. A. Magny, T. França, P. García-Salinas, L. Pérez, J.F. Asturiano, V. Gallego. Póster
Can fish talk to each other? First attempts assessing sounds from Mediterranean freshwater fish, and invasive fish species!. V. Gallego, R. Miralles, G. Lara, M. Blanes-García, P. Risueño. Póster + Pitch session
International Workshop on the Biology of Fish Gametes (9th IWBFG; Universidad
de León (España), 15-18 julio 2024)
capsules as alternative cryo containers for fishes sperm. T.S. França, E.A.
Sanches, N.S. Teixeira, J.L. Benato, W.A. González-López, M.P. Sanchez, L.
Ferrão, F. Fernández-García, L.P. Borges, A. Belenguer, P.G. Holhorea, J.C.
Calduch-Giner, A. Felip, A. Gómez, J. Pérez-Sánchez, D.P. Streit Jr, J.F.
Asturiano. Comunicación oral
challenge test to select resilient males of Mediterranean aquaculture fishes to
environmental changes. T.S. França, W.A. González-López, F. Fernández-García,
A. Belenguer, P.G. Holhorea, J.C. Calduch-Giner, A. Felip, A. Gómez, E.L.
Mañanós, J. Pérez-Sánchez, L. Pérez, J.F. Asturiano. Comunicación oral
gene therapy in fish: from basic research to practical applications in
aquaculture. C. Zapater, C.
Cruz-Castellón, M.J. Mazón, M. Morini, T.S. França, L. Pérez, J.F. Asturiano,
A. Gómez. Comunicación oral
recipient suitability for European eel (Anguilla
anguilla) spermatogonia xenotransplantation. M. Blanes-García, Z.
Marinović, M. Morini, I. Šćekić, J. Lujić, L. Ferrão, B. Urbányi, Á. Horváth,
A. Vergnet, J.F. Asturiano. Póster
Heat shock
factors in the European eel: gene characterization and expression response to
different environmental conditions and to sexual maturation. L. Ferrão, L.
Pérez, J.F. Asturiano, M. Morini. Póster
Cold seawater
pre-treatments effects on induction of early sexual maturation and sperm
production in European eel. L.
Ferrão, M. Morini, W. González-Lopéz, V. Gallego, A. Felip, L. Pérez, J.F.
Asturiano. Póster
direct exposure to silver nanoparticles and silver ions impairs sperm motility
in Pacific oysters (Magallana gigas).
F. Fernández-García, A.
Carvalhais, A. Marques, I.B. Oliveira, S. Guilherme, H. Oliveira, C.C.V.
Oliveira, E. Cabrita, J.F. Asturiano, M. Pacheco, C. Mieiro. Póster
levels of titanium dioxide nanoparticles compromise the gonads of Pacific
oyster (Magallana gigas):
gender-specific effects. F.
Fernández-García, A. Marques, S. Jerónimo, I.B. Oliveira, A. Carvalhais, V.
Pereira, J.F. Asturiano, M. Pacheco, C. Mieiro. Póster
Trying to
improve cryopreservation protocols in elasmobranch sperm using new
cryoprotectants and biodegradable vials. A.
Magny, T.S. Franca, P. García-Salinas, L. Pérez, J.F. Asturiano, V. Gallego. Póster
storage in elasmobranch sperm using different pHs and temperatures. A. Magny, T.S. Franca, P.
García-Salinas, L. Pérez, J.F. Asturiano, V. Gallego. Póster
31st Conference of European Comparative
Endocrinologists (31st CECE; Ancona (Italia), 1-5 septiembre 2024)
Cold seawater pre-treatments induce early sexual maturation, increase sensitivity to hormonal treatment and improves the reproductive performance of male European eel. L. Ferrão, M. Morini, W.A. González-Lopéz, V. Gallego, A. Felip, L. Pérez, J.F. Asturiano. Póster
Characterization and expression of heat shock factor genes in the European eel in response to different environmental conditions and to sexual maturation. L. Ferrão, L. Pérez, J.F. Asturiano, M. Morini. Póster
Characterization of TRPVs in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax): Effect of high rearing temperature on their expression in the gonads. F. Fernández-García, S. Sarih, C. Zapater, A. Felip, M. Morini, J.F. Asturiano. Póster
XVII Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Pesquera, X Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Pesquera (CONIPESCA 2024; Tumbes (Perú), 24-27 septiembre 2024)
La terapia génica con plásmidos de gonadotropina desencadena la gametogénesis en la anguila europea (Anguilla anguilla). C. Cruz-Castellón, C. Zapater, M.J. Mazón, M. Morini, T.S. França, L. Pérez, J.F. Asturiano, A. Gómez. Comunicación oral
European Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisory Commission (EIFAAC) International Symposium (Pula (Croacia), 7-9 octubre 2024)
Looking for transient receptor potential receptors in the European eel: an evolutionary approach. M. Morini, C.A. Bergqvist, J.F. Asturiano, D. Larhammar, S. Dufour. Comunicación oral
12th International Symposium on the Reproductive Physiology of Fish (12th ISRPF; Hersonissos, Creta, Grecia; 15-19 mayo 2023)
Superoxidase dismutases in the European eel: characterization and expression in vivo under different temperature conditions. L. Ferrão M. Blanes-García, L. Pérez, J.F. Asturiano, M. Morini. Comunicación oral
The influence of specific recombinant gonadotropins on the initial stages of gametogenesis in male and female European eels (Anguilla anguilla). M. Blanes-García, L. Pérez, V. Gallego, M. Morini, D.S. Peñaranda, I. Giménez, A. Gómez, J.F. Asturiano. Póster
Evaluation of potential spermatogonia biomarkers genes in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla). M. Blanes-García, Z. Marinovic, J.G. Herranz-Jusdado, L. Ferrão, V. Gallego, L. Pérez, A.R. Baloch, Á. Horváth, M. Psenicka, J.F. Asturiano, M. Morini. Póster
Evolutionary scenario of temperature receptor TRPV (Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid) family in metazoans with a special focus on “fish” species. M. Morini, C.A. Bergqvist, J.F. Asturiano, D. Larhammar, S. Dufour. Póster
Successful cryopreservation of sperm from Mediterranean aquacultured species in biodegradable containers. L. Ferrão, T. França, L.P. Borges, F. Fernández-García, W. González-López, M.P. Sánchez, A. Belenguer, P.G. Holhorea, A. Felip, A. Gómez, J. Pérez-Sánchez, J.F. Asturiano. Póster
Intracellular pH regulation and sperm motility in the European eel. L.M. Pérez, V. Gallego, J.F. Asturiano. Póster
Cryopreservation protocols for chondrichthyan sperm cryobanking: new ex situ conservation tools for sharks, rays, and chimaeras. P. García-Salinas, V. Gallego, J.F. Asturiano. Póster
60th Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology (Minneapolis, Estados Unidos; 25-27 julio 2023)
Biodegradable capsules as an alternative container to sperm cryopreservation of aquaculture Mediterranean fishes. T.S. França, W.A. González-López, M.P. Sanchez, L. Ferrão, Á. Belenguer, P.G. Holhorea, J. Pérez-Sánchez, J.F. Asturiano. Comunicación oral
Post-thawing dilution prolongs fish sperm use in aquaculture Mediterranean species. T.S. França, W.A. González-López, M.P. Sanchez, L. Ferrão, F. Fernández-García, Á. Belenguer, P.G. Holhorea, E.L. Mañanós, A. Felip, A. Gómez, J. Pérez-Sánchez, D.P. Streit Jr, J.F. Asturiano. Póster
XIV Congress of the
Iberian Association of Comparative Endocrinology (XIV AIEC; Bilbao, 11-13
septiembre 2023)
Superoxidase dismutases (SODs) in the European eel. L. Ferrão, M. Blanes-García, L. Pérez, J.F. Asturiano, M. Morini. Comunicación oral
Cryopreservation and xenotransplantation of European eel (Anguilla anguilla) spermatogonial stem cells. M. Blanes-García, Z. Marinović, I. Šćekić, J. Lujić, L. Ferrão, M. Morini, B. Urbányi, A. Vergnet, Á. Horváth, J.F. Asturiano. Comunicación oral
Transient receptor potential vanilloid (TRPV) ion channel in the European eel under different conditions. L. Ferrão, D. Cottin, J.F. Asturiano, S. Dufour, M. Morini. Póster
Gonadotropin plasmid gene therapy triggers spermatogenesis in European eel (Anguilla anguilla). C. Zapater, M. Morini, W.A. González-López, L.P. Borges, L. Pérez, J.F. Asturiano, A. Gómez. Póster
Dynamic evolution of temperature receptor TRPV (Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid) family. M. Morini, C.A. Bergqvist, J.F. Asturiano, D. Larhammar, S. Dufour. Póster
Effect of seawater pH on sperm motility of aquaculture marine fish species. L.M. Pérez, W.A. González-López, T. França, M.P. Sanchez, F. Fernández-García, M. Morini, E. Mañanós, A. Felip, A. Gómez, N. Duncan, J. Calduch, P.G. Holhorea, A. Belenguer, J. Pérez-Sánchez, J.F. Asturiano. Póster
19th International
Congress on Animal Reproduction (ICAR; Bolonia, Italia; 26-30 junio 2022)
The reproduction of European eel in captivity: a scientific challenge with multiple facets. J.F. Asturiano. Conferencia invitada (Workshop Reproduction of cultured fish)
Chondrichthyan sperm cryopreservation as a novel tool for the ex-situ conservation of sharks, rays and chimaeras. P. García-Salinas, V. Gallego, J.F. Asturiano. Póster
IX Iberian Congress of Ichthyology (SIBIC 2022; Oporto, Portugal; 20-23 junio 2022)
Another tool for Chondrichthyan ex situ conservation: first-time Chimaera monstrosa sperm cryopreservation. P. García-Salinas, V. Gallego, J.F. Asturiano. Póster
Reproduction techniques applied to Chondrichthyans conservation. P. García-Salinas, V. Gallego, J.F. Asturiano. Póster
European Conference on Comparative Neurobiology (ECCN 10; Praga, República Checa; 22-24
junio 2022)
Dynamic evolution of transient receptor potential vanilloid (TRPV) ion channel family with numerous gene duplications and losses. M. Morini, D. Larhammar, C.A. Bergqvist, J.F. Asturiano, S. Dufour. Comunicación oral
Conference of the European Society for Comparative Endocrinology and the
International Society for Fish Endocrinology (30th CECE & 9th ISFE; Faro, Portugal; 4-8
septiembre 2022)
Comprehensive evolutionary analysis of temperature receptor TRPV (Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid) family with a special focus on “fish” species. M. Morini, C.A. Bergqvist, J.F. Asturiano, D. Larhammar, S. Dufour. Comunicación oral. Premio a la mejor comunicación oral.
8th International Workshop on Biology of Fish Gametes (Gdańsk, Polonia; 20-23 septiembre 2022)
steps on the application of techniques for the control of reproduction of
Chondrichthyan species. P. García-Salinas, V. Gallego, J.F. Asturiano. Comunicación
Sperm behavior and motility in Elasmobranch species: the role of viscosity. S. Boryshpolets, B. Dzyuba, P. García-Salinas, V. Gallego, A. Sotnikov, J.F. Asturiano. Comunicación oral
Cryopreservation of the testicular tissue and xenotransplantation of European eel (Anguilla anguilla) spermatogonia. M. Blanes-García, Z. Marinović, I. Šćekić, J. Lujić, L. Ferrão, M. Morini, B. Urbányi, Á. Horváth, J.F. Asturiano. Comunicación oral
Protocol optimization for sea bass sperm cryopreservation and assessment of post-thawing dilution to prolong sperm usefulness in aquaculture Mediterranean species. T.S. França, W.A. González-López, M.P. Sanchez, L. Pérez, E.L. Mañanós, A. Felip, A. Gómez, J.F. Asturiano. Comunicación oral
First description of superoxidase dismutase multigene in European eel males: expresión in vivo under different environmental conditions. L. Ferrão, M. Blanes-García, L. Pérez, J.F. Asturiano, M. Morini. Comunicación oral
Evaluation of osmotic pumps as a method to induce sexual maturation in European eel (Anguilla anguilla) males and females . M. Blanes-García, P. García-Salinas, M. Morini, L. Pérez, J.F. Asturiano, V. Gallego. Póster
Intracellular alkalinization is not a universal fact during sperm motility activation. L. Pérez, V. Gallego, J.F. Asturiano. Póster
Seawater pH does not affect all the aquaculture marine fish sperm motility. L. Pérez, T. França, M.P. Sanchez, W.A. González-López, E. Mañanós, A. Felip, A. Gómez, M. Morini, J.F. Asturiano. Póster
Europe 2022. Innovative solutions in a changing world. (Rimini, Italia; 27-30 septiembre 2022)
The impacts of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in the gonads of Pacific oyster: oxidative stress profile and energy related-parameters. F. Fernandéz, S. Jerónimo, A. Carvalhais, A. Marques, I. Oliveira, V. Pereria, J.F. Asturiano, M. Pacheco, C. Mieiro. Poster
International 2022 (SI2022; Valencia, España;
10-14, On-line + 20-22, Presencial, octubre 2022)
Developing new strategies for chondrichthyan conservation: the role of assisted reproduction techniques. P. García- Salinas, V. Gallego, J.F. Asturiano. Comunicación oral
The role of viscosity in the sperm motility of elasmobranch species. S. Boryshpolets, B. Dzyuba, P. García-Salinas, V. Gallego, A. Sotnikov, J.F. Asturiano. Comunicación oral
Sperm collection procedures in chondrichthyans: a new perspective for ex situ conservation. P. García- Salinas, V. Gallego, J.F. Asturiano. Poster
ASSEMBLE 2021 Online Conference. Marine biological research at the frontier (On-line; 18-29 enero 2021)
Cryopreservation for aquaculture and biobanking. V. Gallego, P. García-Salinas, J.F. Asturiano. Comunicación oral (Invitado).
- 58th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology (On-line; 20-23
julio 2021)
Gamete cryopreservation in threatened species: from freshwater to marine fish. V. Gallego, J.F. Asturiano. Comunicación oral (Invitado)
Cryopreservation protocols for shark sperm cryobanking. P. García-Salinas, V. Gallego, D. Ruiz-García, J.F. Asturiano. Comunicación oral (https://youtu.be/dXD2M5_OUro).
Cryopreservation protocols for rays and skates sperm cryobanking. P. García-Salinas, V. Gallego, J. Penadés-Suay, J.F. Asturiano. Comunicación oral (https://youtu.be/Gy91V1QrqzE).
First sperm cryopreservation protocols designed for Iberian threatened freshwater species: Iberian toohcarp (Aphanius iberus) and Valencia toothcarp (Valencia hispanica). M. Blanes-García, P. Risueño, L. Pérez, J.F. Asturiano, V. Gallego. Póster
Development of a protocol for the cryopreservation of pufferfish (Takifugu alboplumbeus) sperm. J.F. Asturiano, L. Pérez, M. Yoshida, V. Gallego. Póster
Virtual Congress of the Iberian Association for Comparative Endocrinology (On-line; 16-17 septiembre 2021)
of cold temperature pre-treatments on the European eel spermatogenesis and
spermiation. L. Ferrão, M. Morini, V. Gallego, A. Felip, A. Gómez, L. Pérez, J.F.
Asturiano. Póster. Premio al mejor póster.
Assessment of osmotic pumps as a method to induce sexual maturation of European eel males and females. M. Blanes-García, P. García-Salinas, M. Morini, A. Gómez, A. Felip, L. Pérez, J.F. Asturiano, V. Gallego. Póster
Aquaculture Europe 2021 (Funchal (Madeira, Portugal); 4-7 octubre 2021)
Cryopreservation protocols for Elasmobranch sperm cryobanking: new tools for shark and rays conservation. P. García-Salinas, V. Gallego, J.F. Asturiano. Comunicación oral
Cold seawater pre-treatment affects the spermatogenesis and the reproductive performance of male European eels. L. Ferrão, M. Morini, V. Gallego, A. Felip, A. Gómez, L. Pérez, J.F. Asturiano. Comunicación oral
Using osmotic pumps to induce sexual maturation in males and females of European eel (Anguilla anguilla). M. Blanes-García, P. García-Salinas, M. Morini, L. Pérez, J.F. Asturiano, V. Gallego. Póster
First sperm quality assessment and cryopreservation of two endangered species: Iberian toothcarp (Aphanius iberus) and Valencia toothcarp (Valencia hispanica). M. Blanes-García, P. Risueño, L. Pérez, J.F. Asturiano, V. Gallego. Póster
Comparative anatomy of the reproductive structures of Chondrichthyans: sharks and chimaeras. P. García-Salinas, V. Gallego, J.F. Asturiano. Póster
Comparative anatomy of the reproductive structures of Chondrichthyans: rays and skates. P. García-Salinas, V. Gallego, J.F. Asturiano. Póster
24th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Elasmobranch Association, EEA2021 (2-5 noviembre 2021)
Elasmobranch sperm cryopreservation as a novel tool for ex situ conservation. P. García-Salinas, V. Gallego, J.F. Asturiano. Comunicación oral
Comparative anatomy of the reproductive structures of sharks and chimaeras. P. García-Salinas, V. Gallego, J.F. Asturiano. Póster
Comparative anatomy of the reproductive structures of rays and skates. P. García-Salinas, V. Gallego, J.F. Asturiano. Póster
International Congress of Zoology, ICZ2021 (On-line; 22-24 noviembre 2021)
Novel tools for sharks and rays conservation strategies: fresh storage and cryopreservation protocols for elasmobranch sperm. P. García-Salinas, V. Gallego, J.F. Asturiano. Comunicación oral
VIII Congreso Ibérico de Ictiología (SIBIC2020). (On-line; 15-19 junio 2020)
Improvement of pufferfish (Takifugu alboplumbeus) sperm extenders. J.F. Asturiano, V. Gallego, M. Yoshida, L. Pérez. Póster
Sperm motility in pufferfish (Takifugu alboplumbeus): effect of pH and ions. L. Pérez, V. Gallego, M. Yoshida, J.F. Asturiano. Póster
Cryopreservation of pufferfish sperm on large scale volumes: effect on kinetic parameters and fertilization & hatching rates. V. Gallego, L. Pérez, M. Yoshida, J.F. Asturiano. Comunicación oral
Design of a sperm extender for elasmobranch species and first sperm cryopreservation. P. García-Salinas, V. Gallego, M. Morini, L. Pérez, D. García-Párraga, J.F. Asturiano. Comunicación oral
Anatomical study of the reproductive organs of sharks of the family Scyliorhinidae to set up the procedures for the in vivo and post-mortem extraction of sperm. P. García-Salinas, V. Gallego, M. Morini, L. Pérez, D. García-Párraga, J.F. Asturiano. Comunicación oral
Annual study of small spotted dogfish, Scyliorhinus canicula, to determine reproductive dynamics and to evaluate the potential use as breeders of by-catch specimens. P. García-Salinas, V. Gallego, M. García-Coll, M. Morini, L. Pérez, J.F. Asturiano. Póster
Evaluation of osmotic pumps as an alternative method to induce spermiation in European eel males. M. Blanes-García, P. García-Salinas, M. Morini, R. Guerra, L. Pérez, J.F. Asturiano, V. Gallego. Comunicación oral
Evaluation of osmotic pumps as an alternative method to induce spermiation in European eel females. S. Silva-González, M. Morini, P. García-Salinas, J.F. Asturiano, L. Pérez, V. Gallego. Comunicación oral
Sperm quality parameters of Iberian toothcarp (Aphanius iberus) and Valencia toothcarp (Valencia hispanica): new conservation tools from a gamete perspective. M. Blanes-García, P. Risueño, L. Pérez, J.F. Asturiano, V. Gallego. Comunicación oral
XXXI Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Chilena de Reproducción y Desarrollo (SCHRD XXXI). (On-line 2-3 octubre 2020)
Trying to reproduce the European eel in captivity: an open challenge. J.F. Asturiano. Comunicación oral (Invitado, 45 min).
CRYO2019. 56th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology. San Diego (EEUU). 22-25 julio 2019
Cryopreservation of European eel (Anguilla anguilla) spermatogonia. Z. Marinovic, I. Scekic, J. Lujic, J.G. Herranz-Jusdado, B. Urbányi, T. Müller, J.F. Asturiano, Á. Horváth. Comunicación oral.
6th International Workshop on the Biology of Fish Gametes. České Budějovice y Vodňany (República Checa). 4-7 sept. 2017
Recent progress in European eel captive breeding and larvi-culture. J. Tomkiewicz, I.A.E. Butts, S.R. Sørensen, S. N. Politis, J.S. Kottmann, E. Benini, J.G. Støttrup, C. Jacobsen, D. Mazurais, J.-L. Zambonino-Infante, F.F.G da Silva, H. Tveiten, A.-G. Lafont, S. Dufour, J.F. Asturiano, L. Pérez, M. Bouilliart, D. Adriaens, P. de Schryver, E. Kjørsvik, P. Ravn, P. van Dijk, O. Mordenti, A. Zaccaroni, L. Conceiçao. Comunicación oral
Aquaculture Europe 2017. Dubrovnik (Croacia). 17-20 oct. 2017
Cold water rearing induces key reproductive mechanisms along BPG axis of European eel (Anguilla anguilla) males. C. Rozenfeld, L. Pérez, V. Gallego, V. García-Carpintero, J.G. Herranz-Jusdado, J. Cañizares, J.F. Asturiano, D.S. Peñaranda. Comunicación oral
Progress, challenges and perspectives on fish gamete cryopreservation. J.F. Asturiano, E. Cabrita, Á. Horváth. Comunicación oral.
Case study 2: European eel sperm cryopreservation. D.S. Peñaranda, L. Pérez, J.F. Asturiano. Comunicación oral.
Practical session 1: Sperm cryopreservation. D.S. Peñaranda, V. Gallego, L. Pérez, J.F. Asturiano. Practical session.
Conservation and management of the European eel: current status of eel populations and research priorities. J.F. Asturiano. Comunicación oral.
CRYO2015. 52nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology and International Conference on Regenerative Medicine. Ostrava (República Checa). 7-11 septiembre 2015
Aquaculture Europe 14 (AE2014). San Sebastián (España). 14-17 octubre 2014
17th International Congress of Comparative Endocrinology. ICCE 2013
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