miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2017

Nuestro último artículo, aceptado en Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A

Molecular markers of oocyte differentiation in European eel during hormonally induced oogenesis 

I. Rojo-Bartolomé, L. Martínez-Miguel, A.G. Lafont, M.C. Vílchez, J.F. Asturiano, L. Pérez, I. Cancio 

Reproduction in captivity is a key study issue in Anguilla anguilla as a possible solution for its dwindling population. Understanding the mechanisms controlling the production of ribosomal building blocks during artificially induced oocyte maturation could be particularly interesting. Transcription levels of ribosomal biogenesis associated genes could be used as markers to monitor oogenesis. Eels from the Albufera Lagoon were injected with carp pituitary extract for 15 weeks and ovaries in previtellogenic (PV) stage (non-injected), in early-, mid-, late-vitellogenesis (EV, MV, LV), as well as in nuclear migration migratory nucleus stage (NMN) were analysed. 5S rRNA and related genes were highly transcribed in ovaries with PV oocytes. As oocytes developed, transcriptional levels of genes related to 5S rRNA production (gtf3a), accumulation (gtf3a, 42sp43) and nucleocytoplasmic transport (rpl5, rpl11) and the 5S/18S rRNA index decreased (PV>EV>MV>LV>MN). On the contrary, 18S rRNA was at its highest at MN stage while ubtf1 in charge of activating RNA-polymerase I and synthesising 18S rRNA behaved as 5S related genes. Individuals that did not respond (NR) to the treatment showed 5S/18S index values similar to PV females, while studied genes showed EV/LV-like transcription levels. Therefore, NR females fail to express the largest rRNAs, which could thus be taken as markers of successful vitellogenesis progression. In conclusion, we have proved that the transcriptional dynamics of ribosomal genes provides useful tools to characterize induced ovarian development in European eels. In the future, such markers should be studied as putative indicators of response to hormonal treatments and of the quality of obtained eel oocytes.

Doi: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2017.05.018
Available here: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1095643317301216

martes, 30 de mayo de 2017

Expresión de interés para la incorporación de un postdoc Marie Sklodowska-Curie

Nuestro grupo ha publicado una expresión de interés para la incorporación de un/a investigador/a postdoctoral a través del programa Marie Sklodowska-Curie del H2020.

De entre los candidatos que se hayan presentado hasta el primero de julio, se seleccionará a aquella persona con la que se solicitará un contrato postdoctoral a la UE.

El título del proyecto en que trabajaría la persona contratada es: “Alternative methods for the control of European eel reproduction

jueves, 25 de mayo de 2017

Marina Morini recibe el Premio Extraordinario de Tesis Doctoral

Nuestra compañera Marina Morini ha sido distinguida con el Premio Extraordinario de Tesis Doctoral (curso 2016-2017) en la Universitat Politècnica de València, por su Tesis titulada “Molecular approaches related to the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) reproductive process” y que fue defendida en julio de 2016, obteniendo una nota de Sobresaliente cum laude y la Mención de Doctorado Internacional.
La Tesis fue co-dirigida por el Dr. David Sánchez Peñaranda y por mí mismo, y está disponible en http://hdl.handle.net/10251/68513.

Enhorabuena Dra. Morini!!