the framework of the AQUAGAMETE COST Action activities, the 5th International Workshop on the Biology of
Fish Gametes will be held in Ancona (Italy) from September 7 to 11, 2015.
congress will cover issues on the following topics:
Oogenesis: the molecular basis behind oocyte growth, egg quality, fertilization
and embryo development
Spermatology: basic and strategic research leading to high quality sperm
Anthropogenic contaminants in the environment: effects on fish gametes
Progress and perspectives on fish gametes cryopreservation
Reproduction and development in ornamental fish and invertebrates
Fish germ cell: from basic sciences to applied biotechnologies
Epigenetic programming: from gametes to embryo
would like to invite contributors like you to submit papers to the conference according
to the Instructions for Authors page on our website. The due date for abstract
submissions is June 15th, 2015.
accepted papers will be published in a special issue of General and Comparative Endocrinology to ensure the widest
dissemination of your published work.
Email: (Program
Coordinator: Dr. Oliana Carnevali)